I have a VPS hosted by Hetzner, with Almalinux 8 and Webuzo control panel.
I disabled firewalld and I installed CSF via Webuzo.
I had many trouble to configure it.
In the Webuzo/Security/IP block list, I have many times these address blocked:
I doesn't affect the usage of my website, but I do not understand what is the reason.
These address are the recursive DNS of Hetzner and they should not be blocked.
Therefore I whitelisted them from CSF and LFD.
But still, there are blocked on webuzo.
When i disable CSF firewall, the IP are not appearing in the IP block list.
When i enable CSF firewall, the IP immediatly appeared as blocked.
I conclued that this problem comes from CSF configuration?
note: IP is not in the denied list.
I have asked at Webuzo forum and the answer was that I need to find help directly from CSF.
As I am not an expert, it is hard to find some solution to this problem. Thanks for any help.
Hetzner blocked by CSF?
Re: Hetzner blocked by CSF?
Could it be a conflict with OpenLiteSpeed?