jump from and jump to kind of error.

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jump from and jump to kind of error.

Post by Sergio »

Hi Jonathan,
I was setting my CXS crons to check an amount of users every day as having them all is to much.

So, I configured the crons like this:

(/usr/sbin/cxs --www --options mMOLfSGcChexdnwWZDR --jumpfrom mistery1 --jumpto r+ --filemax 10000 --ignore /etc/cxs/cxs.ignore --sizemax 400000 --xtra /etc/cxs/cxs.xtra --summary --quarantine /backup/quarantine --mail root --MD5 --quiet --qoptions mMfSGchexv --background --virusscan --allusers --throttle 5 --clamdsock /tmp/clamd --exploitscan)

So, the starting user is "mistery1" up to all the users that starts with letter "r", but the cron did all the accounts starting from user "mistery1" (that is ok) but ending up to the last user under letter "z".

On the other hand, could it be possible to instead of have only one letter like "b+" we could have "be+", I mean more than one letter where to finish? so instead of having all users with letter "b" we could choose up to where we can finish, like all the users that starts with "be", e as an example, but that we could choose any second letter where to end or start ?

Best Regards,

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Re: jump from and jump to kind of error.

Post by Sergio »

Hi Jonathan,
I don't know why but the jumps from and to users are missing something.

When I do a -jumpfrom a+ --jumpto country, is working nice without any issue at all, but if do a -jumpfrom country2 --jumpto f+, the scan doesn't stops at the first user that start with G, unfortunately the scan doesn't stops and continues with all the rest of users.

Is there a way to fix this?


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Re: jump from and jump to kind of error.

Post by ForumAdmin »

You cannot mix up the different jump from/to options. You can only do either:

--jumpfrom usera --jumpto userb
--jumpfrom a+ --jumpto b+

You cannot do a combination of those 2.
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Re: jump from and jump to kind of error.

Post by Sergio »

Could it be asked as a future request?

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